Avocademy Blog

education What is a Qualitative and Quantitative Research?

Qualitative and Quantitative research are both vital aspects of a UX/UI designer's duties, and both have a time and place for their use. This...

Aug 07, 2022
education What is Service Design?

While most UX designers are familiar with the technical terminology surrounding their day-to-day work, few are exposed to understanding...

Aug 06, 2022
career change education Why Psych Majors Make Great UX/UI Designers?


Critical thinking is something that is sought after in many fields of study. One group of people that are widely known for being great...

Jun 22, 2022
education Google UX Course vs Avocademy

Making a career switch can be daunting, especially when you feel you do not have the educational background needed. In those cases, it can be...

Jun 04, 2022
education UX Design Job Descriptions, Explained

When someone is looking for a new job, one of the most important things to do is research what that position entails. This is especially true for...

Mar 27, 2022
education What is a Heuristics Evaluation?

It’s always helpful to have a second pair of eyes when creating a product. In UX design, it’s critical to have a constantly evolving...

Feb 15, 2022
education skills What is UI Design?

The field of user experience is broad, with many specializations and independent career paths to explore. 

User interface (UI) design is one...

Jan 19, 2022
education 3 More UX Design Myths, Debunked

The UX design field is enjoying unprecedented growth. As UX becomes more popular, more rumors about best practices and career strategies seem to...

Jan 17, 2022
education UX vs. UI

UX and UI are terms that are often used interchangeably but actually mean different things. If you are new to the design field or are...

Aug 18, 2021
education tools Top UX/UI Design Tools for 2021


With so many design tools currently in the market in 2021, it can be difficult to find the one that’s the perfect fit for you. 


Jul 29, 2021
education skills What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is an approach to problem solving that is used by designers and professionals in many industries. Why is this Design Thinking...

Jul 26, 2021
education Top 13 UX Design Books to Read

Whether you are just starting out in UX design or have been in the industry for a while, it is always a good idea to keep learning. Continuously...

Jun 17, 2021

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