Avocademy Blog

how to 13 Top-Tier UX Design Portfolios to Learn From

The hiring process for UX professionals is somewhat different from other fields. In addition to a resume, cover letter, and references, UX...

Aug 25, 2021
how to 5 Common UX Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid

In the world of UX design, having a polished professional portfolio is essential to success. While a good resume may get the hiring manager’s...

Aug 10, 2021
how to How to Navigate Imposter Syndrome as a UX Designer

Since the term was coined in the 1970s, imposter syndrome has become part of the academic and professional lexicon around the globe. 


Jun 14, 2021
education how to Are UX Design Bootcamps worth it?

In order to become a UX designer, like with any career, you are going to need some training. You should have a good understanding of what a UX...

Jun 11, 2021
how to How Long Does it Take To Learn UX Design? Three Pathways for Success

Learning is a process. To gain new skills, you have to invest time and effort into study and practice. But how much time and effort does it take to...

Jun 08, 2021
how to The Best UX Design Bootcamps

So you want to be a UX Designer? Maybe you are switching careers. Maybe you already have a background in design. Maybe you are just out of college...

May 19, 2021
how to Should I Become a UX Designer? Considerations if Youā€™re On the Fence

Considering a career pivot? You are not alone. According to Business Insider, a whopping one in four workers in the United States were hoping to...

May 17, 2021
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